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Dedicated educator with >18 years' experience, MSc in Physics, now pursuing a PhD in philosophy. Passionate about accessible and engaging education for all.
Writer, photographer--connoisseur of various neuroses. I talk about art, ideas and the creative process, with a slight focus on mental health and spirituality.
Horror Enthusiast. I love to learn about the history of horror, I write about all kinds of horror topics, and I love to write short horror stories!
I am a former opera singer who is now trying to be a writer. I'm harmless. I write for MuddyUm, Bouncin' and Behavin' Blogs, Crow's Feet, and Funny, Inc.
Retired educator; cancer survivor, youth mentor program developer; author; mentored +1000 youth; trained +1000 volunteer mentors;; free resources
UK Wife, Mum & Grandma. Personal experience, reminiscences, vents, humour and things I find interesting in my everyday life
Novelist. Essayist. Former entomologist. Now a full-time writer exploring travel, art, philosophy, psychology, and science.
Nina Kossman, born in the former Soviet Union, is a bilingual poet, memoirist, playwright, short story writer, novelist, and artist.
Welcome to my world of scribbled thoughts and musings! I am a passionate Lifestyle blogger, dedicated to sharing the essence of life through the art of writing.
Namaste Tales
Suntar Jono
Did You Know…Short Fun Facts
William Ryan
Emy Quinn
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