Is My Beloved Cat Reincarnated?
The Unforgettable Bond
In 2016, during a small family gathering for my grandmother’s funeral, a tiny kitten unexpectedly appeared at our doorstep.
This little white furball confidently walked into my grandma’s room and made himself at home.
Despite already having several cats, we couldn’t turn him away. He was hungry, covered in dirt, and in need of love.
We bathed him with cat shampoo, an ordeal he protested with loud screeches, but he was soon clean, dry, and settled with some fish and rice.
We named him Adhuri, and he quickly became part of the family.
Adhuri was unique. He formed an especially close bond with me, always by my side, even following me into the bathroom and sleeping next to me at night.
Whenever I studied, he would curl up on my lap, purring contentedly.
He had an unusual routine and displayed behaviors that set him apart, like scratching the floor in front of doors to get attention and making peculiar “Mau Mau” sounds when annoyed.